team members
The Mutuals and Governance Professionals Institute (MAGPI) is an organisation for audit, risk and governance professionals from within the mutual industry.
AGPI serves as a body that aims to promote the internal audit profession and provide assistance to professionals in mutuals.
im to be a forum to facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge. MAGPI members are encouraged to share their expertise, compare their practices and successes with other professionals in the industry on our website and events.
uidance in audit, risk and governance updates. Members will have access to information and material on the website that can assist in keeping them abreast of current updates.
rovide the opportunity to access our member directory for professional networking. MAGPI connect leaders and professionals who are dedicated to fostering the development of the profession and mutual industry.
nvitation to member-only benefits. Receive exclusive discounts and be invited to MAGPI’s member-only forums. Attendance at MAGPI events allows professionals to maintain their CPD /CPE hours and enhance their knowledge.
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